Reviews from some of our very happy clients.
"I rode my bicycle for the first time in 2 years today. So thank you!" - Ted, Oshawa
"Last night at our managers Christmas dinner I had some seafood and felt fine for the first time in 10 years! I somehow am no longer allergic to crustaceans!" - Hakim, Scarborough
"My Dad is getting better every day! No incontinence issues and comprehension is great!" - Lily, Scaborough
"...when the nurses moved my mom back to her bed they said she stood up on her own! They were amazed! I am so heart happy." - Laila, Toronto
"During my treatment I felt an immediate relief in my neck, shoulders, hips, lower back, and knees!" - Shawna, Oshawa
"Well I'm not sure how this worked but I'd say I'm about 60% more mobile after one treatment. There is still a little pain but on the flat I'm no longer limping!" - Ted, Oshawa
"I just wanted to share that the allergy treatment you have sent me through the Universe has been working amazing. My tummy is much happier and in turn so am I!!!! Thank you from the bottom of my stomach. Chinese herbs and adding enzymes from a natural path didn’t work for me. But, this has actually giving me back the enjoyment for black tea and also red wine! Amongst other things but those drinks make me happy" - Tina, Ontario
"Had a deep sleep last night, woke up feeling generally more balanced I'm noticing, not dipping into darker head spaces for periods of time wich is common. Also in terms of physical effects, some of the pain I've been having in my neck/jaw/ear has dissipated mostly." - Jeff, BC